Tragedy welcomed me by saying
“Of all the days you walk through my door you walk through today, God must have sent you.”
”Have you heard of Scott E Banks?”
”He’s a brother that’s being released from prison tomorrow, he’s been there for twenty-six years for a murder he didn’t commit.”
While we were on the street talking and taking in the day a white van suddenly came to a stop and a woman called from the van “It’s Scott E Banks”. The van parked and out climbed a members of a youth group who knew Scott’s story and wanted to get a picture with him.
Just shortly after this it was announced that Scott and his brothers were going away for some time to themselves and rightly so. It was quite a happening to be there on such a day, to witness the freedom of an individual I had never met or even heard of twenty four hours earlier never mind someone that’s been locked up for twenty-six years.
What I did come away with was that I had encountered one of the most eloquent speakers of my time. Thinking about it, I don’t know if I have met a better speaker than Scott.
This is just a snippet of my experience of this day and of Albany, New York. I will show and tell more in the future.